Patient Participation Group

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) was formed in 2011 and is made up of our patients along with some staff representation. We have a patient elected Chair and Secretary and meet each quarter on a Tuesday morning at 09:00 for an hour.

The main focus of the group is to help the practice to improve its services to patients. The practices’ aim is to include the PPG in key decision making and respond/reflect on feedback received.

Are you interested in finding out more about our practice and getting involved with the development of health services?

At Clifton Road Surgery, we are actively seeking patients to join our established PPG. We are looking for people of any age, gender or background to attend a regular quarterly meeting at the practice (or online) to work with the practice team to develop and improve patient services.

The patient participation group will:

  • Meet on a regular basis to review and discuss practice performance
  • Work with the practice team to develop and improve services
  • Be advocates for the practice and its services

The patient participation group is not a forum for personal grievances or complaints.

If you would like to join our PPG please complete our Patient Participation Group Registration form online. For copies of our minutes from the PPG meetings, please contact Emma Flint, Operations and Digital Transformation Lead.

Terms of Reference


The purpose of the Clifton Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (CRS PPG) is to be an independent patient focused voice representing the views of the patients of Clifton Road Surgery in order to influence the practice and improve services for patients.


  • To listen
  • To observe
  • To respect each other’s opinions
  • To challenge constructively in an open and honest forum


The Chair of CRS PPG will be elected for a two year term from within the CRS PPG and act as a key link between the PPG and the Practice.

The chair will be mandated by the PPG to:

  • Raise questions put forward by the PPG to Clifton Road Surgery
  • To represent the agreed views of the PPG
  • To act as a communication link for the PPG

The chair will be in post for no more than two terms of office.


The PPG is open to all patients of the Clifton Road Surgery. All GP practice staff are able to participate with the PPG.


ICBs, NHS Commissioning Board, Warwickshire County Council may from time to time request/be requested to attend the meeting. There is an open door approach to other voluntary sector organisations and patient groups that would like to attend meetings

Meetings will be held quarterly. 50% of the listed membership of the group, 75% of which should be patient representation.


  • To receive, review, comment and make recommendations on key issues, policies and plans produced by Clifton Road Surgery.
  • To identify issues, concerns and views of the patients of Clifton Road Surgery
  • To network within local communities to identify the views and needs as regards local health matters, to help inform decisions.
  • To act as an authoritative and authentic voice for patients to ensure that the views of the Patients are represented in decisions on healthcare matters.
  • To establish links with other key stakeholders from the health sector.
  • To work in partnership with other agencies, established groups and key individuals with healthcare interests to ensure a coordinated approach to engagement and involvement.
  • To consider and respond as appropriate to issues brought to the CRS PPG by Clifton Road Surgery and other organisations involved in healthcare matters.

Business Rules


It is envisaged that the PPG will reach a decision by consensus wherever possible.

On matters where a vote is required members will show their opinion through a simple majority vote at the meeting.

Each PPG member will have one vote only. The Chair of the group will have the casting vote.

Disciplinary procedure

If a vote of no confidence in the Chair is considered necessary, a Notice of Motion calling for the vote must be signed by 5 PPG Members’. The vote is to be taken within 14 days, of the Motion being issued.

Disciplinary action should be considered if the following actions result:

  • That the Chair has failed in their duties as prescribed in the Terms of Reference for CRS PPG
  • If the Chair has brought the name of CRS PPG into disrepute by their actions.

If the vote finds in favour of the Notice of Motion, after hearing and considering the evidence, the Chair shall resign with immediate effect.

The person should not be eligible for re-election for a period of 5 years

Any Member who is considered to have brought the name of CRS PPG into disrepute, if found to be so, should be suspended for a period of 12 months from the Group.